How does mercury harm the body?

Mercury is a pollutant that is present in all seafood. But the omega-3s in seafood are good for you so it’s important to eat seafood two to three times a week. Choosing types of fish that are low in mercury and eating seafood not more than 3-4 times a week will make sure that mercury does not cause you harm.

High levels of mercury in the body can increase your chances of getting certain health problems like heart attacks and high blood pressure.

Mercury crosses the placenta and reaches the developing fetus. Eating seafood with high mercury or eating seafood more than 3-4 times a week can effect the baby’s brain development. Studies have shown that babies born to mothers with high mercury levels may have lower IQs than babies born to mothers with low mercury levels. Other childhood development tests may also be abnormal in children whose mothers had high mercury levels during pregnancy.

Bottom line: Seafood is HEALTHY for your heart and for baby’s brain development, but eating fish with high mercury or eating seafood too often can put you and your baby’s health at risk.